Your Trusted Source for Tobacco-Related Data in Nigeria.
An interactive portal that collects, analyzes and presents data and information on tobacco control in Nigeria through rigorous primary and secondary research.
3.2 Million
Nigerians between the ages of 15 and 49 used tobacco in 2018.
Premature deaths could have been prevented if Nigeria had met the ECOWAS tax directive.
₦526.4 billion
Treating diseases caused by tobacco is estimated to have cost ₦526.4 billion in 2019, which is nearly one tenth of all healthcare costs in Nigeria.
28 out of 80 Countries (2021)
Nigeria’s performance got worse in the 2021 survey showing that the tobacco industry is intensifying its interference despite Nigeria’s tobacco control legislation and efforts.
N1.5 Billion
The illicit trade share in Nigeria is around 25%, which means that Nigeria lost about N1.5 billion in 2017– based on estimates.
In the TCDI Nigeria shisha study the odds of being a current shisha smoker was six times higher among those who smoked cigarettes than those who did not.
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